Friday, December 10, 2010

Mera Kya Kasoor Tha?

This is a question of a 2 year old innocent baby, Swastika Sharma who was ruthlessly killed in the VARANASI BOMB BLASTS....on 7th December, 2010...May her innocent soul Rest In Peace....

खिलने से पहले तोड़ दिया मुझको,
मेरा क्या कसूर था?

अभी तो मैं खड़ी भी नहीं हुई थी अपने पैरों पर ढंग से,
तुमने एक झटके में गिरा दिया मुझको-
मेरा क्या कसूर था?

अभी तो आँखें खोलकर सही से देखा भी नहीं था मैंने दुनिया को,
तुमने सुला दिया मुझको,
मेरा क्या कसूर था?

२ बरस तक नहीं हुए थे मुझे इस दुनिया में कदम रखे,
तुमने हमेशा के लिए वापस भेज दिया मुझको,
बोलो... मेरा क्या कसूर था?

अभी तो सही से गोद में उठाया तक न था मेरी माँ ने मुझको,
मुझे उससे दूर भेज दिया तुमने,
आखिर....मेरा क्या कसूर था?

अभी तो पैदा हुई थी मैं,
किलकारी मारी थी,
मेरे पापा ने सीने से लगाया था मुझको,
अभी-अभी तो मेरी ज़िन्दगी की रोशनी को महसूस किया था,
और तुमने मुझे बुझा दिया,
बताओ...मेरा क्या कसूर था?

अब वो मेरी थमी हुई साँसों मं लिपटे हुए मुझे झकझोर रहे हैं-
कह रहे हैं...एक बार सास ले बेटा,
एक बार रो दे,
 एक बार पापा बोल के वापस मुझे देखके मुस्कुरा दे,
एक बार....बस एक बार अपनी थमी हुई साँस,रुकी हुई धड़कन को चला दे.

मेरी आत्मा तड़प रही है,
बिलख रही है,
वो बस एक बार आखें खोलके उनके हर अरमान को पूरा करना चाहती है,
एक बार उन्हें देखकर हँसना चाहती है,
एक बार उन्हें पुकारना चाहती है,
एक बार उन्हें छूना चाहती है,
ताकि वो उन यादों को अपने पास संजोके जी सकें,
पर तुमने  मार दिया मुझको,
जवाब दो...मेरा क्या कसूर था?

मैं अब वापस नहीं आउंगी,
कभी उनके आसुओं को हँसी में नहीं बदल पाऊँगी,
कभी नहीं बता पाऊँगी की कितना  प्यार करती हूँ मैं उनसे,
कितना याद करती हूँ मैं उन्हें.

पर देखोना मरते-मरते तुमसे कुछ पूछ गयी हूँ मैं,
और इसका जवाब तुम सारी उम्र नहीं दे पाओगे,
और इतना मुझे पता है की मुझ जैसे कितने ही मासूमों को मारदो तुम ,
पर तुम कभी अपने पाप पे हँस नहीं पाओगे,
जीत नहीं पाओगे,
पर फिर भी कभी देपाना अगर जवाब तो बताना मुझे,
आखिर मेरा क्या कसूर था???

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Kayar nahi insaan hai tu....

क्यूँ  मरता है तू बन्दे? 
झाँक तो खुद में एक दफा,
तू खुद से है- तू कोई और नहीं,
पहचान खुद को- मत हो खुद से खफा.

ये जान तेरी है, कोई खैरात नहीं, 
तेरे खुदा की अमानत है-
जो यूँ लुटाता फिरता है,
क्या तू इसे इतनी सस्ती समझता है?

क्यूँ  पता है कमज़ोर खुदको इतना तू बन्दे?
गर हार गया तो तुझे क्या दिखा?  
सिर्फ अपना खून और फ़ासी के फंदे?

कायर नहीं इंसान है तू!
गर खुद से हारा तो ये क्यों भुला-
की किसी जी जान है तू!

सोच उसे जिसने तुझे जन्म दिया,
जा देख उसे जिसने तुझे कुछ कर दिखने का सपना दिया,
जा...जा पूछ उन्हें-
क्या सह पाएँगे तेरी मौत का बोझ?
एक हार तो बस हार है,
कभी उसके आगे कड़ी जीत को तो देख!

न समझ मजबूत है तू ,
गर खुद को तुने त्याग दिया!
हरा तो जीकर तू दिखा,
ले मज़ा उस हर हार का तू-
जिसने तुझे जितने का जज्बा दिया.

दिखा दुनिया को-
कायर नहीं इंसान है तू-
हार और जीत दोनों का अभिमान है तू.
मरना तो आसां है क्युकी दर्द नहीं होता साँसों के रुकने पर.
कोशिश कर-
सहके तो दिखा-
खुशियाँ एंगी तेरे कदमो पर.

जब दर्द हो तब तू साँस तो ले,
हर मौत से तू जीतकर तो दिखा-
हर ग़म में तू जीकर तो दिखा!

कोई कायर नहीं इंसान है तू,
किसी की जागीर नहीं अपना ईमान है तू,
कोई कायर नहीं इंसान है तू...कोई कायर नहीं इंसान है तू....

Friday, November 26, 2010

the Burning Desire...

The wings are on fire,
and there is a burning desire.

The suffering of poor is growing,
and the domination and tyranny of the brutal rich is rowing.

What to say if money replaces thy Humanity,
and the character of person losing its sanity.

The love for Person nomore exists,
and although WE fight and fight-
But things,however persist.

What is our future?
What is our fate?
The humanity fears to lose
if this remains the state.

What is this caste system?
And what do these Religions mean?
Who taught us to treat someone by colour?
And the atmosphere is no more serene.

Was that time god a million thousand years back?
When there was not a speech found-
And never heard was bullets and bombs sound.

But now WE play with smoke and fire,
and yet there is a BURNING DESIRE......

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Communalism- Termite in minds OF People or Clash OF Communities

To quote Mahatma Gandhi- “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”

We talk about RELIGIONS, we discuss about castes, we argue about colour of man, we differentiate between people. But what is the need of it? Why do we need to talk, discuss, argue and differentiate about such things when the country is one! INDIA.

The strange and dismal feature that needs to be noted is that even after the partition of the country in 1947 which was perpetrated on the basis of two-nation theory, the problem, in fact the termite of communalism is still eating the country and number of communal riots have been witnessed since then in different parts of the country. There is a misconception among people that this communalism exists just between Hindu and Muslim communities. No. Had it been confined to these two major communities or any other even then the problem would have been no lesser but what to say when this termite is not just confined to communities but has entered the minds of people. Communalism is not associated with the communities and religions. It is associated with people now. Initially two sects of one community used to fight, then it became a fight of two religions and their communities. Today the scenario is such that people of same communities are fighting among themselves.Today the war is not just confined to the communities but has attacked the mindsets.

But here I would just confine myself to the roots and the origin of the Communalism that even today exists largely between the communities. The saddest part of all this is that instead of showing any signs of mitigation even the slightest provocations and baseless rumors results in armed clashes between the two communities that sometimes become uncontrollable, inviting all sorts of intervention by the police and other para-military forces and even the political leaders who have their own ends to serve. What is still worse, the clashes assume the form of conflict between the religious communities and the political authorities.

However, such a phenomenon needs to be studied in all manifestations, ramifications and aspects. Hundreds and thousands of people lose their lives, property worth of millions of rupees is destroyed and burnt and all the social and economic activities comes to stand still. All this is done on the name of religion whom religion provides the smokescreen behind which their nefarious activities are perpetrated.

This work is thus intended to highlight the nature and manifestations of communalism as it manifests itself in our country, and to clearly indicate the pattern and magnitude of the riots that occurred here after Independence.

Communalism‖ in India is a term that has now come to refer to the violent activities coordinated or supported by the political parties and their affiliate wings and groups, in their attempts to break the inter-religious peace of the Indian polity in order to create a communal vote bank.
Also there has been a honest opinion included of the people, concentrating to the points like how he suffers and how he is effected, how he creates and how he burns himself in that created situation of fire, how the political parties are saperating the people on the names of communal stability and false hopes just for the fulfillment of the vote bank requirements and power, how the democracy is being stabbed and fooled on the name of community. There have been many case studies included to justify the existence of the termite called COMMUNALISM and as to how WE THE PEOPLE is responsible for it and how Communalism is BY the people, FOR the people and OF the people.

                                                                                                                               -SANKALP RAJ